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New York Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act

Policy Details

Policy Type: Policy
Jurisdiction: State — New York
Status: Passed
Tags: Clean Energy, Democratization, JEDI, Labor/Workforce

Policy Summary

Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act commits to 100% zero-emission electricity by 2040, sets legally binding emissions reduction standards to get New York completely off of fossil fuels by 2050, and mandates that 40% of state climate and energy funding be invested in disproportionately disadvantaged communities. https://www.nyrenews.org/clcpa

Scale of policy change (local, state, national): State

WHO – NY Renews, a coalition of nearly 200 environmental, justice, faith, labor, and community groups fighting for good jobs and climate justice across New York state.

WHAT – The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act (CLCPA), also known as the Climate and Community Protection Act

WHERE – New York State 

WHEN – The CCPA was signed into law in July 2020. NY Renews has been organizing for years, since the People’s Climate March of 2014

What’s the policy + why?

The Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act was a legislative victory driven by the NY Renews coalition, which had been working on the legislation for several years before its passage. It was put forth to create guidelines for the state to usher in a just energy transition to address the climate crisis. The vision of the CLCPA has been centered on three things from the beginning: 

1) Climate: The Act aims to set targets for New York State to reach zero emissions, with renewable energy in every economic sector by 2050. 

2) Jobs: The Act aims to set provisions for strong, good jobs that would be created in the energy transition through labor requirements and training standards.  

3) Justice: The Act aims to ensure that the transition is equitable for New Yorkers, by investing in the communities most impacted by the climate crisis and pollution.

This policy receives a Gold Star because democratic process of implementation and the just policy outcome and are rooted in Just Transition Principles.

Policy summary courtesy of: Pathways to A People’s Economy and NY Renews.

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