Research & Reports

Cover of the Adversity to Advancement Paper

Adversity to Advancement


  • Jacqueline Patterson, MSW, MPH

Published: August, 2023

15 Climate Impacts & 45 Black-Led Pathways to Climate Justice

Cover of the Displaced on Repeat report

Displaced on Repeat: Black Americans and Climate Forced Migration


  • Jacqueline Patterson, MSW, MPH

Published: Responsive Philanthropy, Summer 2023 — Listening to the Experts: A Campaign to Redirect Climate Justice and Just Transition

From the Trans-Atlantic human trafficking massacre to the current climate crisis, a consistent thread in the story of Black people in America is displacement and forced migration. Systemic racism and climate change are tangled in the same root system of white supremacy, and as usual it is Black communities that are disproportionately impacted.

Cover of the Who Holds the Power report

Who Holds the Power: Demystifying and Democratizing Public Utilities Commissions


  • Jacqueline Patterson, MSW, MPH
  • Charles Hua

Published: November 2022

How many of us fully understand who are the entities responsible for ensuring the air we breathe and is clean and whether the energy we use is safe? For maintaining affordable electric bills? For providing access to resources to help us conserve energy? For ensuring that customers are not cut off from our heat, our water, and our electricity supply?

Cover of the Racism that Upends the Cradle Report

The Racism that Upends the Cradle


  • Jacqueline Patterson, MSW, MPH
  • Nsedu Obot Witherspoon, MPH

Published: June 2022

Black children experience the trauma of racism even before they are born, and are confronted throughout their lives by a system designed not to support them. This report from The Chisholm Legacy Project and Children’s Environmental Health Network details heartbreaking statistics that represent the lived realities of millions of Black children across the nation due to racist policies and practices — including redlining, the placement of hazardous waste facilities, and systemic exclusion from shared resources. The paper explores the ways that historic and persistent inequities compound jeopardy for Black children and proposes a framework for a Just Transition, embracing systems that enable us to all share in abundance and thrive together, supporting all children’s futures.

Cover of U.S. Organizations Connecting Gender and Climate Justice

US Organizations Connecting Gender Justice and Climate Justice


  • Jacqueline Patterson, MSW, MPH
  • Dr. Jade Sasser, Ph.D

Published: April 2022

We began this research when some of us noticed a pointed silence around the issues of women, femmes, and gender diverse people in the climate justice arena, while others were noticing that folks were woefully unaware of the threat climate crisis poses for those marginalized along the axis of gender.

We wondered what would happen if we dug deeper into this junction. We heard the stories of 25+ organizations working at this intersection, and we are now presenting you with the findings from that work!