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Life-Cycle Assessment and Co-Benefits of Cool Pavements

Prepared for the California Air Resources Board and the California Environmental Protection Agency, this report describes the development of a “cool” pavement life-cycle assessment (pLCA) tool. The tool was created to help local officials in California cities to evaluate the environmental impacts of alternative pavement types – from extraction of materials through construction and use to removal and disposal or recycling of materials. This study aims to help California cities adopt pavement management strategies that help reduce greenhouse gas emissions and mitigate the urban heat island effect. Results of the pCLA can help inform climate adaptation plans and construction and maintenance decisions for local California governments, and other municipalities considering cool pavements.

Resource Details

Author(s): Ronnen Levinson, Haley Gilbert, Ling Jin, Benjamin Mandel, Dev Millstein, Pablo Rosado, John Harvey, Alissa Kendall, Hui Li, Arash Saboori, Jon Lea, George Ban-Weiss, Arash Mohegh, Nicholas Santero
Organization: California Air Resources Board, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Date: 11/9/2022
Resource Type: Publication
Topic: Extreme Heat, Sustainable Buildings

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