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Indigenous Earth Fund

The Indigenous Earth Fund will invest an additional $1 million investment from Liberated Capital. Liberated Capital invites proposals from tribes and Indigenous-led organizations doing the work, building political power, building movements and leading campaigns on climate change and conservation issues in the United States. Both existing Indigenous Earth Fund grantee partners and new organizations and tribes are encouraged to apply.

The work may include movement-building efforts and organizing campaigns that center Indigenous self-determination that promote sustainable food systems, land and forest management; protection and conservation of water sources and natural resources, and Indigenous-led data and research to advance advocacy efforts on climate and conservation solutions, for example. The Fund values and understands the importance of sovereign tribal governments in this work and encourage projects led by, or partnered with, tribal nations. This list is not exhaustive.

Tribes and Indigenous-led organizations working on environmental issues in the United States are invited to apply. Grant awards will likely range from $50,000 – $75,000 for one year.

The Fund operates through a trust-based model, so grants will be untethered resources that enable Indigenous-led organizations to simply get the work done how and where they see fit. The solutions and ideas will vary and that’s ok! The Decolonizing Wealth Fund wants to celebrate and invest in the diverse wisdom Indigenous communities have been cultivating for thousands of years.

Following on from learnings from year one, we will also be developing a Learning Community to support the ecosystem and encourage networking in support of movement building across Indigenous communities. We will help convene Indigenous-led organizations, including inter-tribal organizations and networks, to elevate and discuss strategies and best practices that address the current climate crisis.

Resource Details

Organization: Decolonizing Wealth Fund
Resource Type: Funding Opportunity
Topic: Indigenous Sovereignty

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