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American Climate Leadership Awards

We need individual and collective action now more than ever to accelerate the climate transition before 2025. You might be one of those people or groups working on this issue, and we want to hear from you! Apply now for the American Climate Leadership Awards (ACLA) which offers $175,000 in financial rewards and national recognition to exemplary climate leaders and organizations building public support and political resolve for climate solutions at local, regional, and national levels.

American Climate Leadership Awards, a catalyst: One way to proliferate climate solutions is to share models of success via the American Climate Leadership Awards. By applying for the awards or nominating an individual or entity, you are sharing your climate solutions with others and are being part of important catalytic change. The ACLA finalists exemplify outstandingly successful and replicable climate initiatives, providing inspirational models for climate action across the nation.

Resource Details

Organization: EcoAmerica
Date: 11/9/2022
Resource Type: Funding Opportunity
Topic: Organizing

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