Got Green
Got Green organizes for environmental, racial, and economic justice as a South Seattle-based grassroots organization led by people of color and low income people. Got Green cultivates multi-generational community leaders to be central voices in the Green Movement in order to ensure that the benefits of the green movement and green economy (green jobs, healthy food, energy efficient & healthy homes, public transit) reach low income communities and communities of color.
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Discount Foundation Legacy Award
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Emergent Fund Rapid Response Grants
Movements have long relied on creative collective responses to crises as strategic opportunities for visionary organizing. All rapid response work we typically fund is explicitly grounded in movement values, power-building and organizing and represent meaningful investments in movement infrastructure. Emergent…
Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute
The Emergent Strategy Ideation Institute is a hub to experiment, think, facilitate, learn and share emergent strategy. ESII builds movement capacity to create a more just and equitable world through facilitation, training, coaching, and strategy development.
Endstate ATL
Endstate ATL is an organizing body dedicated to building alternative solutions to liberate Black people in Atlanta from State violence and dependency through an abolitionist, Black queer feminist lens. We are committed to achieving this through: mutual aid, direct action…
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