Federal Environmental Justice Tracker
This tracker is designed to provide up-to-date information on the Biden administration’s environmental justice commitments, and progress made on those commitments.
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Related resources (by topic)
Climate Change and Environmental Justice: Considerations for Transportation Decision-making
The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) produced this overview describing how the impacts of climate change in the transportation sector can disproportionately affect environmental justice (EJ) communities. The report recommends considerations for transportation providers to ensure that climate adaptation measures do not…
ELI Pro Bono Clearinghouse
ELI’s Pro Bono Clearinghouse connect attorneys and communities to solve pressing environmental problems.
Energy Policy Simulator
The Energy Policy Simulator (EPS) is an open-source model for estimating the environmental, economic, and human health impacts of hundreds of climate and energy policies. EPS offers unparalleled accessibility to the model through an easy-to-use web interface that allows non-technical users to…
Environmental Justice Clinic
At the Environmental Justice Clinic, students represent and partner with disenfranchised communities fighting racial and economic disparities in the distribution of polluting sources, while also fighting for a say in decisions affecting their future.
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