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Emergent Fund Rapid Response Grants

Movements have long relied on creative collective responses to crises as strategic opportunities for visionary organizing. All rapid response work we typically fund is explicitly grounded in movement values, power-building and organizing and represent meaningful investments in movement infrastructure.

Emergent Fund Rapid Response Grants Support…
-Organizing that supports emergent strategies that help communities respond to time-sensitive, rapidly changing conditions. This includes resisting new or amplified threats, building power to move a proactive agenda, and creating communities and cultures of care
-Organizing that leverages “moveable” or “pivotable” moments to disrupt, heal, and build towards long-term social justice and economic justice in a political and social climate that seeks to dismantle such efforts.
-Organizing that explicitly seeks to dismantle, abolish, and replace systems of oppression and harm, driven by a clear intersectional power analysis and vision for collective liberation

Resource Details

Organization: Emergent Fund
Resource Type: Funding Opportunity
Topic: Organizing

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