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Dream School: Dream Reclamation, Energy and Ancestral Healing and Matriarchal Praxis

Cause Reign is an oral history project that connects Black TGNC people to their histories through dreamwork — the practice of remembering, recording, and activating the healing potential of our dreams. We guide students to explore the meaning of their dreams through artistic expression, journaling, and dream play therapy. SAGE House is an autonomous artist RESTidency for Black TGNC folks, and it will be piloted this summer. Our adult audiences remember through DREAM School. Dream Reclamation, Energy and Ancestral Healing, and Matriarchal Praxis (DREAM) School is for Black and Indigenous students to feel safe to dream. Functioning as both a digital oral history project and online decolonial education, DREAM School creates celebratory remembrance containers; students remember how to pray, eat, tell stories, and sing medicine songs while walking alongside their ancestors. Our younger audiences remember through KindeziCare, the oral tradition and art of Kongo babysitting. Through the KindeziCare art of deep creative youth care, we teach medicinal lessons which directly translate to the honoring of spirit, elders, and the environment.

Resource Details

Resource Type: Organization
Topic: DEI & Anti-Oppression, Health & Healing

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