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2021 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector Report

Covering two years of business progress, the 2021 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector is a report on worker-owned and democratic workplaces in the United States. This report is a co-production of Democracy at Work Institute and the US Federation of Worker Cooperatives. The report draws upon the latest developments in the field and deepens our understanding of the sector.

The 2021 Worker Cooperative State of the Sector includes data on COVID’s impact on worker cooperatives, an updated map of metro areas home to concentrations of worker cooperatives, along with a breakdown of business number totals in the top 9 states and Puerto Rico. Altogether, the 612 businesses identified in the census reflect sector growth of more than 30% in two years.

Resource Details

Organization: Democracy at Work Institute, US Federation of Worker Cooperatives
Date: 12/15/2022
Resource Type: Publication
Topic: Economic Justice

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